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Research Question
How can Technology Assist in Autistic Communication?
This research is dedicated into looking at the differences in communication between autistic people and devising was to assist to make communication more accessible and let them express themselves in a way that can be understood by all.
Research and Summaries
Snow, J. (2019, January 30). People with disabilities are using AI to improve their lives. PBS. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/article/people-with-disabilities-use-ai-to-improve-their-lives/ - This article focuses on AI technology currently in use to assist disabled people. The examples are to generate ideas on potential technologies that can further assist in.
Oakley, Bethany F. M., et al. “Alexithymia in Autism: Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Associations with Social-Communication Difficulties, Anxiety and Depression Symptoms.” Psychological Medicine, vol. 52, no. 8, 2022, pp. 1458–1470., doi:10.1017/S0033291720003244. - This paper primarily deals with the difficulty in recognizing one’s own feelings resulting in increased difficulty in communication.
Cummins, Clare, et al. “Autistic Adults’ Views of Their Communication Skills and Needs.” International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, vol. 55, no. 5, 2020, pp. 678–89, https://doi.org/10.1111/1460-6984.12552. - This paper primarily focuses on the subject recalling what made communication difficult for them. The data will be useful for narrowing down what areas of communication that can be best helped. The key one I wanted to focus on was the view of getting support requiring extensive communication that a person may not have the ability to preform.
Quote: “These mixed views towards individual support, and challenges regarding its implementation, indicate the importance of considering individual differences and preferences, as well as looking beyond support at this personal level"
What if there were ways to better understand both the person you want to talk to and yourself during a conversation? What if there was some sort of way to organize your thoughts prior and express them to others but not need to prepare for extreme amounts of time to get your point across? Some method of communication where you could “get” the concepts with less of a need to ask for clarification if you either zone out or are unable to keep up.
Social Sciences
Informational Technology